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Update on Nurses Group Representatives

18 Jan 2021 4:08 PM | Valerie Orton

President: Nicole Gavin (QLD)


  • RN, PhD | Nurse Researcher | Cancer Care Services
  • Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Queensland University of Technology

Nicole Gavin is Senior Research Fellow at Queensland University of Technology and Nurse Research at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital with adjunct affiliations at the University of Queensland and Griffith University. She is an experienced haematology and bone marrow transplant nurse. Nicole’s PhD investigated the effect of parenteral nutrition on microbial growth and its influence on catheter-related infection in patients with a central venous access device. Her postdoctoral research is broadly focused in preventing and managing infections in patients diagnosed with cancer. Nicole has been an associate nurse member of HSANZ since 2010 and has been the Queensland Representative and Vice President.

 Vice President – and WA rep: Andrew Steele

  • Clinical Nurse Manager | Haematology Day Ward Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group


Andy started working in Oncology upon qualification in 1991. His first role in Haematology was 3 years later at Derriford Hospital Plymouth and he became Charge nurse there in 1998, attending the EBMT conference the same year. 

In 2000 Andy moved to Kalgoorlie WA, working in Restorative and Palliative care as a manager and stayed there for 2 years before moving to Perth to work on the Haematology ward. He stayed there for 14 years night and day and then moved to the Haematology Day Ward as Clinical Nurse Specialist and then Manager in 2014. He has been a Nurses Representative for WA since 2015. He has an interest in Change theory presenting several times at the Blood conference and organised and chaired  the nurses stream of Blood 2019 in Perth.

Treasurer – Elise Button

  • RN, BN, GCertPallCare, MAdPrac(Hons), PhD
  • Research Fellow, Centre for Healthcare Transformation, Queensland University of Technology
  • Nurse Researcher, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital


Elise Button is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Healthcare Transformation, Queensland University of Technology and Nurse Researcher in Cancer Care Services at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. She is an experienced haematology and bone marrow transplant nurse and an early career researcher. Elise’s research interests are focused on integration of palliative care, quality measures of end-of-life care and value-based health care.

Qld State Representative Jodie Marsh  

  • RN, B. Nursing (Pre Registration), Grad Cert Cancer Nursing, Masters Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
  • Nurse Practitioner – Haematology / BMT Townsville University Hospital  


Jodie is a Nurse Practitioner Townsville University Hospital.  She has 23 years’ experience in Cancer Nursing with the majority involved in Haematology, Blood and Marrow Transplant and apheresis.  She is an active member of both Haematology and BMT reference group committees with EVIQ and State Wide Cancer Clinical Network Specialist Education Committee.  Clinical areas of interest are Clinical Morphology, Acute Leukemias, Apheresis and Blood and Marrow Transplant. Qld Pathology credentialled in procedural Bone Marrow Biopsy.

Myeloma Specialist Practice Network - Tracy King RN MN

  • Myeloma Clinical Nurse Consultant, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW
  • Clinical Research Fellow; Clinical Lecturer; PhD Candidate, Cancer Nursing Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney University. 

Tracy King is a past President of the Nurses Group and currently, Myeloma Clinical Nurse Consultant at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; Clinical Research Fellow, Lecturer and PhD candidate at the Cancer Nursing Research Unit, Sydney University. With over 28 years’ experience in the field of Haematology / BMT, Tracy developed a specialist interest in myeloma 20yrs ago working with the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF), now Myeloma UK. Since coming to Australia Tracy has been an active member of a range of national and international professional working groups including those of the Cancer Institute NSW; Myeloma and Related Disease Registry (MRDR), Chair of the HSANZ Myeloma Specialist Practice Network (M-SPN) and Past President and co-founder of the HSANZ Nurses Group. Most recently Tracy has been invited as a member of the IMF Nurse Leadership Board (NLB) and leads the nurse’s program development and delivery during the International Myeloma Workshop (IMW).  Tracy completed a master’s in nursing leadership and is currently a PhD candidate at Sydney University. She was awarded the Outstanding Research Achievement Nursing & Midwifery Award 2019 by Sydney Local Health Network (SLHD) for her leadership and research in better understanding the experiences of those affected by myeloma taking high dose steroids and the role of patient reported outcome measures (PROM). 


145 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02 8097 8114

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